Reorganizational Healing: Are you an Internal or External Being?

What if you could create your own unique map for change, healing, and enhancing your consciousness?  What would this look like?  How could you implement it into your everyday life?  In 2009, The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine published an article featuring Network Spinal Analysis, Somato-Respiratory Integration, and a variety of other “change strategies” under the name of Reorganizational Healing (ROH).  As we have discussed, ROH is very different than the traditional American philosophy of a “cure mentality.”  ROH is not designed to restore someone to their previous state (especially when this may not have been a well-functioning state to begin with).  Instead, it is designed to upgrade someone’s being (structurally, emotionally, energetically) into one that is more complex, resilient, and adaptable.  Over the next several months, we will be discussing change strategies that allow you to learn at a deeper level who you are, what and who really matters to you, how to express yourself more fully and openly……your very own ROH Map.  

In order to improve your life, make different choices, or evolve, you must first increase your energy status.  This involves clearing old patterns produced by fight-or-flight experiences that have shaped your physiology.  When we advance through that process with NSA, we also develop the awareness needed to experience deep mind-body connection, the ability to listen to intuition, and have the awareness when CHANGE needs to happen.  Change can be anything from altering how you interact with a co-worker, to implementing a new routine for movement, enhancing the nutrient load you consume through your food choices, deciding to handle stress in a different way, etc.  When we use change strategies that are congruent with our true nature, evolution can happen with flow and feel almost effortless.  This is called energy-rich change.  On the other hand, if we use change strategies that maybe we have been taught to use, or what worked well for someone else, but don’t honor our core nature, change happens in a draining, unproductive way…..what we call an energy-poor experience.  

The first change strategy we will focus on is one that allows us to honor our bodies and our lives.  That is the concept of: are you an internal or external being?  You can only be one or the other but knowing this about yourself is powerful.  The concept of internal/external has to do with the direction that your consciousness/energy flows within your body.  Because NSA is an embodied approach to healing, when you determine if you are an internal or external being, we can apply that concept to your care, personalizing your healing process at an even deeper level.

An internal being means that it is important to direct your consciousness inward to provide the highest energetic resources.  Internals often need time to process information before it can be externally expressed.  They are step-by-step learners, processors, and planners, and typically do not like to look too far in the future (looking too far in the future will often shut down their thinking).  This step-by-step process creates comfort and safety within their bodies.  An internal being’s viewpoint is often on what worked well for them in the past and how they can apply that in the present moment.  In fact, the further internals go into the past, the more energy there is to utilize.  A good question for an internal to ask is: “What did I learn in the past and how can I build upon that?”  Being in the body, focusing their energy and resources within the body, is typically a very safe and good place for an internal being.

External beings, on the other hand, need to direct their consciousness to flow outside of themselves to provide energy and safety.  An external often has wounding from the past that does not make their past a safe place to be.  They do best with the concept of letting the past go instead of trying to heal the past.  The past can be such an unsafe place to be that they have trouble remembering it.  Externals do best when they live from the future: the possibilities they are creating, their vision, their plans for the future.  Externals do not need step-by-step learning, instead, they can jump to a new, big idea.  They do best placing focus outside of the body, focusing on the people around them (how they can help those around them), their surroundings, and the energy in their environment.  A good question for an external to ask is: “How can I best impact the world around me?"

You most likely can relate yourself to an external or internal being.  The goal is to understand yourself at a deeper level and know that when you do that, you can optimize your energy for healing.  When you heal at a deeper level, think about how much more energy you have available to impact the world.  You have much greater access to your gifts—something the world needs.  During your adjustments, experiment with putting your focus inwardly and then outwardly.  What feels more expansive?  What gives you greater access to breath, movement, and energy?  When you feel like you have a sense of this, let us know.  We will facilitate the process by cueing you to direct your attention inwardly or into your environment and beyond.  When you determine being an internal or external being, try applying that shift in your focus to other life activities—exercise, meditation, planning, even work. 

As always, Create Health by Choice, Not by Chance.


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