Health-Span Versus Lifespan: The Action Plan for Optimal DNA Expression in 2023

The focus in America has been on increasing chronological age, extending life, and increasing the number of trips we take around the sun.  While chronological age is important, I would like you to start thinking about your biological age, meaning your health and vitality (for example, you could be a 50-year-old, with the cellular health of a 70-year-old or the cellular health of a 43-year-old).  This is looking at health-span versus lifespan.  Americans have more disability and chronic health issues than any other industrialized nation.  Needless to say, as more and more Americans face chronic disease, their quality of life diminishes.  By focusing on improving our health-span (our cognitive health, the health of our cells and tissues), we are not only increasing our lifespan but we are more equipped to engage in the things we love to do, enjoy our loved ones, and contribute to society.

Old Thinking vs. New Research
I grew up (as many of you may have as well) believing that most of our health is predetermined by our genetics and family history.  Here’s the truth… Currently, research shows that only 1-5% of all diseases are due to genetic influences.  For example, Alzheimer’s has been shown to have genetic influence of up to 1%, but more than 6 million Americans are currently living with the disease.  One in 2 Americans have a chronic disease and 1 in 4 Americans have multiple chronic diseases.  As many of you have experienced first-hand, MDs are not given the tools to create health for their patients.  While we have a medical system that is great for emergency care, the American medical system is very poor in preventing chronic disease and promoting healing.

Epigenetics: Our Biggest Influence Over Disease
If the percentage of genetically-influenced disease is small, how is most disease influenced?  Most diseases are controlled by epigenetics, or how our lifestyle activates or deactivates the activity of specific genes.  Nobel prize winning research has demonstrated that telomeres, the “endcaps” of strands of DNA have a vital role in indicating how long we will live.  As we age, bits and ends of the endcaps of DNA are removed, eventually causing an unravelling of our DNA.  Telomerase is an enzyme that can add length back onto the telomeres, reversing our biological age (think of the 50-year-old with the cellular health of a 43-year-old).  How do we improve the function of telomerase and our DNA?

The Energetic State (Frequency) of the Cell
How we live our life is our medicine!  The choices that we make regarding how we move, how we think, and how we eat, create an energetic state or frequency in which our cells resonate.  This energetic state creates the environment for our cells and provides the information to our DNA in which how to perform.  Our DNA is constantly turning on and off the activity of genes to create your current state of being.  That information makes our RNA that makes the proteins that make up who we are.    

Homework for November and Plan for 2023
How do we create the optimum environment in our cells that allows our DNA to function well, creating our best self?  As an assignment for this month, it is my goal for you to do some prep work on how you want to “BE” in 2023.  I would LOVE for you to take time in a quiet space, listening to inspiring music (or silence if you prefer), and visualize the HEALTHIEST YOU. What are the characteristics of this version of yourself?  What activities does this version of yourself participate in?  How are you able to show up in your world as the BEST version of you?  As you journal this out, think of the things that you feel would be important components of your routine. Next month, I will follow-up with a list of the main influences for healthy cells and healthy DNA.  Here’s to being on the path to creating VIBRANT HEALTH in 2023 and beyond.  

As always, create Health by Choice, Not by Chance.


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