Optimizing Genetics Through Lifestyle: The Plan!

Last month I wrote about how only a small percentage of disease is based on genetics.  The fate of our cells is not reliant on the genes that reside in the cells.  The genes are not preprogrammed, but instead, are listening for cues on how to function (activate or deactivate a gene’s expression) based on environment.  That environment (the energetic state or frequency of the cell) is determined by our consciousness and the choices we make while in that consciousness.  Our goal is for lifestyle choices to create the energetic frequency that allows for preservation of the telomeres of your DNA (aging is caused by DNA’s telomere shortening), causing physical, biochemical, and molecular changes in our bodies.   How do we create the optimum environment in our cells that allows our DNA to function well, slow the aging process, and create our best self?  

“Between stimulus and response there is a space, and in that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”  Viktor Frankl

We have great power in the choices that we make.  There are researched lifestyle factors that make a huge difference in the health of your cells and DNA.  While most of us think immediately about how our nutrition and exercise affect our health, let me provide an example of how your mental and emotional states affect the expression of your DNA.  Humans are wired to respond to stress (this is a good thing).  If you were being chased by a saber-tooth tiger, the CRTA gene complex would be activated to change the state of our cellular environment, turning on inflammatory genes.  This would protect us if we were to be bitten or develop a flesh wound.  The CRTA gene complex would dampen the function of our immunity genes (you don’t need to fight off a cold or fight against cancer if you are about to be attacked).  

In today’s world, we hopefully don’t have the experience of running from a saber-tooth tiger, but we deal with the stress of constant demands of our time and attention.  This stress activates the CRTA gene complex just like discovering that a saber tooth tiger could be attacking you.  When this gene complex is chronically activated, it can lead to diseases like Alzheimers, cancer, autoimmune conditions, and chronic infections.  

When we perceive stress constantly, our nervous system is in a state of fight-or-flight or sympathetic overactivity.  Without a perceived sense of safety, this is affecting gene expression, your body’s ability to heal, and your perceptions of the world and relationships.  Maybe you don’t think stress is a big deal?  The number one cause of telomere shortening (DNA aging) is stress.  A new study published by the CDC showed that the leading risk factor for death from COVID was obesity, but the second leading risk factor for death by COVID was stress and anxiety-related disorders.  In today’s world, 80% of all doctor’s visits are due to a stress and anxiety-related issues.        

When we chronically experience anger, hate, fear, resentment, and worry, we are activating the CRTA gene complex and causing premature aging of our DNA.  But you can make choices to turn off the activity of the CRTA gene complex… what do those choices look like?  In the previous example about our emotional state, choosing joy, love, connection, and ESPECIALLY gratitude, decreases the activity of the CRTA gene complex, thereby decreasing inflammatory factors, raising the function of the immune system, and creating an anti-aging state for DNA.    

The top lifestyle factors that create an environment for your cells to thrive in fall under the following categories: movement, nutrition, sleep, our emotions (think of the above example), our mental state (the type of thoughts we think), our social connection with others, and our sense of purpose.

Movement - walking, weight-lifting, swimming, running, dancing - whatever you LOVE, in addition to building strength, hold critical places for optimal DNA expression.

Your nutrition is key.  Developing a plan that consists of mostly anti-inflammatory foods and supportive supplements can make an astounding difference in providing your body with the nutrients to create healing and mitigate stress.  
Sleep is priceless.  Providing your body with the time and space for rejuvenation and repair is essential in keeping the activity of the CRTA complex at bay.  

Working on identifying limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, AND shifting those thought patterns through mindfulness is key.  

Working to create strong relationships with loved ones and friends makes an incredibly positive impact according to multiple studies.  

Developing and exploring a sense of purpose actually creates a positive environment for our cells and DNA expression.  
Your assignment last month was to visualize how you want to “BE” in 2023.  What would the HEALTHIEST version of you be like (characteristics, activities, and how you show up in the world as this version of you).  What are the characteristics of this version of you?  What activities does this version of you participate in? How do you want to “BE” to keep CRTA gene activity at bay and enhance the activity of health-promoting genes?


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