Setting Intentions for the New Year: Who Do You Need to Become

We know that over 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first three days! This year, instead of resolutions, let’s set INTENTIONS! More than 40% of our daily actions are not derived from conscious decisions, but instead from our habits, whether good or bad. Our habits dictate how we live, how we perform, and what we can achieve in our lives. Swapping our undesirable habits with more desirable habits is a proven way to improve your overall wellbeing. Maybe you desire to have a better morning routine, maybe you want to move your body more, maybe you want to sleep better or be more organized, or maybe you want to shift how you show up in all of the relationships of your life. This month, we are talking about the power of setting intentions.

When we started Body In Balance, we were taught to make SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based) goals. I would wake up early every morning and go over my goals at nausea to make sure they were in the forefront of my consciousness. Whether the goals were met or not, I always sensed a forcefulness about this approach. Instead of feeling like things could flow with ease or unfold in positive and gratifying ways, it felt like I was using large amounts of energy and willpower to force my mind’s agenda into fruition.    

So much has changed over the last 15 years. The science behind creating the life you want has blossomed. How do you set intentions that actually move you towards your life purpose? How do you set intentions that take you towards the next step of the evolution of your life? Instead of using your logical mind to create a set of goals, we can feel into what we want our life to be. I have written out a process that you too can use to create shifts towards the life you desire. Maybe January is the right time for you to start this process:

  1. Find a quiet place and get comfortable. Place one hand on the center of your chest and the other hand over that hand.
  2. Take deep, full breaths in and out. Close your eyes. Inhale for a count of 1-2-3, hold for a count of 1-2-3, and exhale for a count of 1-2-3. Repeat these deep, full breaths at least 4 times.
  3. Start to breathe normally and see if you can soften or relax your body just a bit more.
  4. Imagine a future version of yourself that is living the life of your dreams. Everything is exactly as you would want and dream of. What do you notice? What do you sense?  You are imagining this future version of yourself—the self that is living exactly how you would like your life to be/ the life of your dreams. If this feels impossible, that is OK! If we cannot think beyond our current circumstances, how can we ever expect to live beyond our current circumstances? Let yourself go to that visionary space: everything is possible, every challenge and problem in your life has been overcome. Again, what do you notice, what do you sense?
  5. Visualize by seeing images, hearing sounds in your mind, or feeling sensations in your body.
  6. Notice in the vision you are creating by scanning around yourself: are you indoors or outdoors? Is there anyone there with you or are you alone? What colors are present? Can you hear anything? Are there any smells associated with the vision? Any tastes? Are there any physical sensations you notice like a temperature present that you feel on your skin?
  7. Most importantly, how does this vision feel emotionally to be living the life of your dreams? Notice as many details as you can to make this vision come alive.  
  8. When going through this process, if things feel blurry, obscure, or abstract—that is OK! Focus on what you do notice instead of what you think you should notice.
  9. If your mind wanders, that is OK; you can easily bring it right back into focus.
  10. End by thinking of the answer to this question in a 1, 2, or 3-word answer and trust the first words that come to mind: As you look at this future version of yourself who is living your dream, what energy do you need to cultivate more of in your life, now, today, in order to become that person that you are seeing in your vision? Trust whatever arises!
  11. Think about your answer: repeat those words in your mind and imagine the energy soothing you and flowing throughout your body. These words are embodying you like liquid light or honey. Continue to repeat these words. Deep breath in, Deep breath out.
  12. Open your eyes.

Consider repeating this process daily for 30-90 days until you can recall the feelings/emotions that are generated by this process. With this process, we are saying, here is who you are now, and here is who you want to become. Let’s start putting intentional energy into who you want to become.  

There is a gap between who you are and who you want to be. We didn’t ask, “what do you need to do to fill that gap?” Instead, we asked, “who do you need to become to fill that gap?” What is the energy you need to cultivate? I truly believe that is the most important intention you could set for your day. When I use this process regularly, I am amazed by the ideas, inspiration, creativity, peace and gratitude that fill my days.

Pro Tip: Use this process as you get on the chiropractic table for your NSA adjustment. By working with the nervous system and keeping the energy of who you want to become present in your consciousness, we can facilitate moving you towards this future version of yourself.


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