Reorganizational Healing and the Triad of Change: Structure, Perception, and Behavior

In the process of healing with NSA care, realize that Reorganizational Healing is an important part of the process. In its simplest terms, as tension is released from the nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones of the spine, the mind/body has to find a new perspective to experience the world. Reorganizational Healing happens on a physical/structural sense as well as a biochemical sense. This results in physical and emotional shifts, as well as a deep sense of mind-body awareness. Another aspect of Reorganizational Healing is using this mind-body awareness to develop a road-map of how you as a unique human being operate and how you can best support change strategies.

As stated in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, health and life challenges are influenced by one’s aptitude for perceiving the need to change. Perceiving the need for change and seeking healing is what may have driven you to pursue care at Body In Balance. It may be what is fueling healthy lifestyle changes or a relationship change. The key is that you have enough mind-body awareness to know when change is essential and that you listen and take action regarding this awareness. How can we go about creating change in the most effective and effortless way possible? How do we create change in a way that provides us with strategies and energy?

Make sure to refer to our blog on “Reorganizational Healing: Are you an Internal or an External Being?” This is one change strategy that gives you powerful insight into how to best use your energy and honor your needs. The Triad of Change is another strategy for change that refers to the lens through which one experiences his or her life. There are 3 types of perspectives that have been discovered and researched: Structure, Behavior, and Perception. Because NSA is an embodied approach to healthcare, your primary strategy in the Triad of Change can also be used to facilitate the process of making changes to the spine and nervous system patterning during NSA adjustments.

To determine one’s primary strategy in the Triad of Change, one must have made mind-body awareness connections. The questions one can ask themselves are:

  • Structure: Does one need to organize the world around them in order to make change?
  • Behavior: Does one need to create movement or action in order to create change?
  • Perception: Does one need to make meaning of events and things in order to make change?

When one can determine their primary mode of change, they can also determine their secondary strategy. In order to live a life with flow, it is important that when someone is trying to create a shift or change, that they use their primary strategy the majority of the time, supplemented by their secondary strategy. The third strategy—the one that doesn’t feel like “you” is the individual’s drain and should rarely be used unless the primary and secondary strategies are in full effect. By working in this way, it is AMAZING what someone is capable of—literally evolutionary change is possible in a way that creates energy and feels like he or she is in the “flow.” If someone uses the strategy that is their drain as their primary mode of change, it will deplete his or her resources, and cause the individual to be in a state of constant fight-or-flight.

Here is an example….I will use myself because that is what I know best! I lead with structure and behavior is my drain (so perception is my secondary strategy). If I have an article to write or a project to tackle, or even a change that I personally want to make, as an individual with the primary strategy of structure, it is essential for me to organize my thoughts and create a plan. Whether it is spending 10 minutes organizing my desk or sitting down to create a list, I do best when I create a structure around the project. Even if it is a change personally that I want to make, I gather information, take notes, and create a plan of how I will implement this change into my routine. With perception as my secondary strategy, if I know why I want to make this change (...I may journal about it to define my feelings), how it will impact my life or my health, and how it may impact others— when I can understand the meaning behind this for me — I can fuel my change even further. If I am on the go — doing, moving, performing too much (especially without a plan or if things feel chaotic/unorganized) — I become completely drained, exhausted, and depleted (behavior as a drain).  

Dr. Scott leads with behavior and uses structure as his secondary strategy. Behavior individuals create evolutionary change by taking action. He can get a huge amount of work accomplished or create a change in his health by just “doing.” By “doing,” his plan falls into place and he will create structure within his plan. If he thinks about something for too long before taking action or tries to rely on my “lists” it will stall his movement forward. In fact, I find my “lists” for him scattered on his desk. Whereas I would be thrilled to check and cross things off the list and get rid of the list, his lists have long-ago completed projects but nothing is crossed off!

A perception individual must create a “pause” within their life before action is taken. They must give themselves time and space to think about what meaning they are giving to their life situations, circumstances, or a decision they must make. They must determine how they feel about something before they can create change or movement forward. Once the feeling has been recognized or defined, they are able to move forward with incredible energy and almost effortless action.

Again, health and life challenges are influenced by one’s aptitude for perceiving the need to change.  Why not change with ease, flow, and energy? NSA care increases your mind-body awareness, resiliency and your adaptability—making real change more possible. AND, realize that when you analyze yourself and can let us know your Triad of Change primary strategy, we can use this to create an even more embodied approach to your adjustments. Contacts on the spine can be held in different ways to communicate in a more in-depth way with how your unique nervous system operates. THIS IS AMAZING AND REVOLUTIONARY!  

Remember, Create Health by Choice, Not by Chance!


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