Viewing 1 - 16 out of 81 posts


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The Nervous System, GI Tract, and Autoimmune Conditions: What is the Connection?

Each of us carries a history of how disease has affected our families - heart disease, stroke, diabetes… in my family the common story is auto-immune disease.  Most women in Read More

Blood Sugar Regulation

As you probably realize, health has many components.  Dr. Scott and I firmly believe that health should be cared for, cultivated, and maintained in a holistic manner.  Think of a Read More

The Top 5 Actionable Steps you can Take NOW to Improve Your Health

As Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) providers in Golden, CO, we see remarkable healing changes happen on a daily basis.  We are privileged to see people move from fight-or-flight physiology to Read More

Reorganizational Healing: Energy-Poor vs. Energy-Rich

It is so common in our American culture to believe that we could/should push through anything.  We believe that it is a sign of character or strength to “power through.” Read More

What is Dysautonomia and Why is it a Health Buzzword Right Now?

Thousands of Americans are dealing with the effects of Long-COVID 19, Lyme Disease, chronic mold exposure and autoimmune conditions.  As a result, more and more Americans are dealing with Dysautonomia. Read More

Integrate to Create a New Level of Health and Wellbeing

When we experience overwhelming events--meaning the event is too much for our brain to take in and process at one time, fight-or-flight physiology takes over, helping us cope with the Read More

Changing your Inflammatory Status and the Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Cardiovascular disease, autoimmune conditions, chronic digestive issues, Diabetes……..what do these issues have in common?  The root, underlying cause is chronic inflammation. I started nutritional training in chiropractic school and have attended Read More

Healing the Nervous System

Americans are in crisis. Chronically high stress levels and lifestyle choices have influenced the function of peoples’ nervous systems in ways that need to be addressed in order to provide Read More

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Consider Magnesium as Part of Your Wellness Plan

A vital supplement worth considering as an addition to your health routine is Magnesium.  Why?  At least 50% (some studies show more than 70%) of Americans are incredibly deficient in Read More

Reorganizational Healing and the Triad of Change: Structure, Perception, and Behavior

In the process of healing with NSA care, realize that Reorganizational Healing is an important part of the process. In its simplest terms, as tension is released from the nerves, Read More

Coming Home To Yourself with Network Spinal Analysis

It is December—a time when it is easy for us to be reminded of both joyful and painful times, along with deeply ingrained memories that we may hold.  This is Read More

Reorganizational Healing: Are you an Internal or External Being?

What if you could create your own unique map for change, healing, and enhancing your consciousness?  What would this look like?  How could you implement it into your everyday life? Read More

Embodied Transformation: The Gift of Reorganizational Healing

Medicine is often defined as a restorative process—one in which the goal is termination of a condition and returning someone to their pre-sickness state.  Of course, there is a time Read More

Cover It Up, Mask It, and Restore It...or Acknowledge It, Heal It, and Let It Go.

If you cover it up, ignore it, and put a band-aid on it, will it go away? The symptoms may appear to go away, but did the body actually heal Read More

As The Phase Gains Strategies and Adaptability: The Tone of an Individual’s Nervous System

Last month we discussed the phases or patterns that the nervous system can shift into during stressful times.  The more these patterns are used, the more they become the primary Read More

The Tone of an Individual’s Nervous System

When you think of the people in your life, can you think of a tone that accompanies their presence?  When you are in public—at a grocery store, a ball game, Read More

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